
School Curriculum

The School is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi upto Senior Secondary classes with the affiliation no- 1630374. The curriculum of the school has been designed keeping in view the age-groups of children in each class their varying mental level. The medium of instruction is English but due emphasis is given in teaching of Punjabi & Hindi. The curriculum includes Mathematics, Social  Science, General Knowledge, Hindi, English, Music, Crafts, Computer Science etc. Study With More Understanding Creativity The school puts maximum emphasis to make children really understand things rather than studying by cramming. Teachers, in their methodology, are facilitators to guide the children to learn things themselves. This methodology creates in children, the qualities of curiosity, enthusiasm & creativity in studies.

School Uniform

The School Uniform of a prescribed design & colour which gives a distinct identity to the students is available in the school. The uniform consists of grey trousers/shorts/skirts, sky blue shirts, sky blue pathkas, royal blue pullover, grey coat and black leather shoes. Other accessories include a belt & a tie. Wednesday is an all white day when the children have to wear only white dress with white sports shoes.On Saturday, children have to wear house coloured T-shirts in summer. No ties and belts are required for younger children so that their activities are not hindered. Check shorts, skirts & light coloured T-shirts is the prescribed dress for them. Children not wearing proper dress would be fined Rs. 10/-  Uniform of Nursery & Pre-Nursery students consists of Blue-white Check skirts/shorts & sky blue T-shirts. They need not to wear tie or belt.

Rules & Regulations

Every student is expected to observe the following school rules :-
  • Attending all the school function is compulsory. No leave will be granted. Absence will be viewed seriously.
  • Student not availing themselves of the school transport must reach the school ten minutes before the Assembly bell.
  • Special care should be taken of the school property & no student should be scrap or spoil the desks or chairs, scribble on the walls or in any way damage the school property. Damages will be recovered from the defaulters.
  • Parents must ensure that the children come to school regularly & punctually.
  • Students must be dressed up properly in the school uniform.
  • The Principal reserves the right to send the child home at the parents own risk if he/she is not properly dressed.
  • Student should not bring valuable articles like gold ornaments to the school.
  • The Principal reserves the right to turn out a student whose progress is unsatisfactory of whose behaviour is harmful to other school children. Every student is expected to bring his/her diary daily to school.
  • All the students must keep their identity cards with them.
  • During the school timing no visitor is allowed to meet teachers of students. During class hours no parents will be allowed to take their children.

Withdrawal & Leave Rules

The parents are required to give at least a month’s notice for withdrawal of their wards or pay a month’s fee in lieu thereof. Students may be asked to leave the school for any of the following reasons:
  • Misconduct
  • Unsatisfactory academic progress
  • Non-payment of fee
Studeent’s Name will also be struck off the rolls, if he/she fails to return for more than fifteen days from the date of re-opening of the school after every term of if he/she remains absent for more thatn three days at a stretch without intimation.

House System

The school has introduced house system for the students as a co-curriculur activity. The house system makes the student more competitive & spirited with team work. There are four houses with their colours of red, blue, yellow & green. Housewise competitions of various arts & sports items are conducted on variousj days during the academic year. The house which scores the highest point is honoured & prized at the end of the year.

Teaching Staff

The teachers of the school are highly motivated & hardworking. Most of the teachers are from Kerala. They are well qualified & well experienced. The highly talented teachers with proved track-record make study interesting, imaginative, wholesome & highly result-oriented. As a result of the sincere & dedicated working style of the teachers, the students feel more secured in studies as well as in grooming their total personality.

Assessments & Promotions

The evaluation of children is conducted on the basis of a checklist specially designed by a team of experts. Under this system, the child is not compared with other children. The record is shared with the parents at regular intervals. A student is promoted to the next class at the end of the school year on his/her results of all the three terminal (first, second & final) examinations. All fee dues must be cleared before every examination. After every examination, student’s progress report is sent to parents & the same should be submitted to the class teacher on the next day after duly signed.

Parents Teacher Meetings

These are held on first Saturday of every month to give an opportunity to teachers & parents to interact with each other to understanding & the nature & requirement of children. The school has various other activities planned for children like tree plantation, social work & medical camps. The school children are taught social values & duties through practicals.

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